Widget Integration

Add the ChatterMate chat widget to your website using either direct script integration or iframe embedding.

Integration Methods

Add the following code snippet to your website’s HTML, just before the closing </body> tag:

<script src="https://app.chattermate.chat/webclient/chattermate.min.js"></script>

Replace YOUR_WIDGET_ID with your unique widget identifier from the ChatterMate dashboard.

2. IFrame Integration

Alternatively, embed the chat widget using an iframe:


The iframe method is useful for testing or when you need more control over the widget’s placement and dimensions.

Widget Configuration


// Update chat bubble color
  data: {
    chat_bubble_color: '#f34611'  // Your brand color
}, '*');

Mobile Responsiveness

The widget automatically adapts to different screen sizes:

width: 400px;
height: 600px;
border-radius: 24px;

Event Handling

The widget supports the following events:

Token Management

// Listen for token updates from the widget
window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
  if (event.data.type === 'TOKEN_UPDATE') {
    // Store the token securely
    const token = event.data.token;
    localStorage.setItem('ctid', token);

Scroll Control

// Scroll chat to bottom
}, '*');

Security Features

  • Tokens are encrypted and stored securely
  • Communication uses postMessage for security
  • Automatic token management
  • Domain validation for widget loading

Widget Features

Customer Identification

  • Email collection before chat starts
  • Automatic returning customer detection
  • Previous conversation history loading
  • Context maintenance across sessions

Chat Interface

  • Real-time message updates
  • Typing indicators
  • Message status tracking
  • File attachment support
  • Markdown formatting support
  • Emoji support


The widget uses CSS variables for consistent theming:

:root {
  --primary-color: #f34611;
  --background-base: #ffffff;
  --text-color: #1F2937;
  --border-color: #E5E7EB;
  --radius-lg: 24px;
  --space-md: 16px;
  --space-sm: 8px;

Testing Your Integration

Test Project

We provide a sample test project at github.com/chattermate/chattermate.chat/tree/main/chattermate-test:

  1. Clone and setup:
git clone https://github.com/chattermate/chattermate.chat
cd chattermate-test
npm install
  1. Start test server:
npm start
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 and enter your widget ID

The test project demonstrates:

  • Basic widget initialization
  • Token management
  • Style customization
  • Mobile responsiveness

Best Practices

  1. Implementation

    • Add script just before closing body tag
    • Enable secure token storage
    • Test on multiple browsers
    • Verify mobile responsiveness
  2. Security

    • Store tokens securely
    • Use HTTPS only
    • Implement proper CSP headers
    • Enable domain restrictions
  3. User Experience

    • Test email collection flow
    • Verify history loading
    • Check offline behavior
    • Test connection handling


What’s Next?

After integrating the widget:

  1. Test customer identification flow
  2. Verify conversation persistence
  3. Monitor connection stability
  4. Test mobile responsiveness

Human Agents

Next: Learn how to manage human agents